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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Americans and "The Dream"

We are in the process of understanding the concept of The American Dream.  So, it is only fitting to see what others think of the American Dream.  Check out the website at the link below.  On this page, you will see names of famous American achievers.  You can click on their names to read about what the American Dream means to them.

You will need to leave a comment.  Please include the following:
Choose one of the people and comment on their view of the dream.  Perhaps you agree with their views?  Disagree with their views?  Aspire to what they accomplished or believe in?  Your comment should be at least 3 sentences in length.
15 points due Tuesday 10/4 by 11:59 pm.


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  2. Hugh Hefner said the american dream is personal, economic, and political freedom. I agree that it involves freedom. However, i think it mainly has to do with the pursuit of happiness.

    -Ryann Russ

  3. Tiki Barber said that The American Dream is opportunity and that luck is simply the intersection of opportunity and preparedness. I disagree with this because you can be lucky without being prepared. In fact, I find that sometimes that luck is success in the absence of preparedness

    -Dylan Watkins, period 7

  4. Hugh Hefner said that the american dream is all about your decisions and your interests of the future. He also said its about political freedom. I believe that, but there is also no freedom without money. Depending on your perspectives of your future depends on weather or not your free.

    -Alban Hoxha, Period 7

  5. Good job everyone! Keep the posts coming!

  6. Chuck Norris says that "the American Dream is not something we’ve invented but inherited"I agree with this because in the Deceleration of Independence it says that we are entitled to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.The pursuit of happiness is the American dream in which we all want to reach some sort of happiness in our goal.We follow in the footsteps of the founding fathers and the people who made the country what it is today.

    -Kyle Katz p.7

  7. I agree with Tyra Banks in hard work do help you get to your dreams. But I do not think that's the American Dream. I agree more with Martha Stewart in the statement everything we do is to "make our homes more comfortable, more functional and more full of life and joy for those we love". That is the American Dream to live comfortable and to live happy I've read 6 of these statement about the American Dream and this is the only one that has said anything about being happy.

    - Marilyn Melo pd.7

  8. "The American Dream used to be the opportunity to freely create your own life and to honor the rights of all others to do the same, while understanding that to do so fairly there can be no guarantee for success. To live unshackled from the desires of those individuals who seek only guarantees so as to ensure the success of their desires.

    But the American Dream has changed--now I believe it's a wish for freedom at no cost, an existence devoid of scarcity and free from judgment of any kind."
    - Kurt Russel

    I agree with Kurt Russel that "American Dream used to be freely choose and create your own own life and to honor the rights of all others to do the same." This man knows that not everyone is going to have the same dream for each individual and he respects each American dream that each person will choose. I also agree with him the the American Dream today have changed that people take everything for granted. That people keep wishing and wishing things without their cost to do that dream of theirs.

  9. I agree how Tyra Banks said the American Dream is about fulfilling Your full potential. It's about doing everything you can do to achieve what you want. She says everybody has potential to do anything if they try. Working hard will help you achieve your dream, not just having a lot of material items. She emphasizes that the world is yours for the taking. Hardworking and perseverance will help you get your dreams.

  10. I agree with Ben Nighthorse Campbell's views on the American Dream. Campbell says the American Dream is the ability to be able to do whatever you want. That's what a lot of people come to America to do because they were unable to wherever they came from.

  11. Donald Trump believes that the American Dream is about freedom, prosperity, peace, liberty and justice for all. He continues by saying dreams require hard-work and perseverance. I agree 100% on his view. I believe that everyone strives to gain the freedom and peace they want. Also, if you want to achieve your goals, you need to put in the effort. Your dream won't be given to you and often you will face obstacles. But the key is to perseverance from those challenges, and make sure that your urge to achieve is even stronger.

    -James Meadows pd.7

  12. Colin Powell said: "The American Dream is something that every immigrant brought to this country, as my parents did, and that is the ability to go as far as you can in life, limited only by your own dreams and willingness to work hard."

    I agree with this because if there is something you want extremely badly and are willing to work for it, than nothing can stop you. Everybody has their own vision of an American Dream and it is always achievable if you are willing to believe it is.

  13. Colin Powell said: "The American Dream is something that every immigrant brought to this country, as my parents did, and that is the ability to go as far as you can in life, limited only by your own dreams and willingness to work hard."

    I agree with this because if there is something you want extremely badly and are willing to work for it, than nothing can stop you. Everybody has their own vision of an American Dream and it is always achievable if you are willing to believe it is.

    Greg Smolsky- Period 7

  14. The last line of Jesse Jackson's interview was "We seldom achieve the promise of the dream, but it remains our hope. We're driven by hope." I agree with this statement because some people never reach their dreams but them having dreams helps them and takes them far in life. I also agree with him when he compared the American dream to a game or being on the athletic field. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and their dreams. The true American dream is to have an equal chance at succeeding in life.

    Xzavier Howard- Period 7

  15. Donald Trump said "The American Dream is freedom, prosperity, peace, liberty, and justice for all.", i agree that this is a form of the american dream but it is the ideal description which is almost impossible to acquire. i believe that for most people the american dream is simply to improve their living and come closer to donald trumps' ideal form of the american dream.

    Louie Stewart - Period 7

  16. i totally agree with Chuck Norris's views on the American Dream. He stated a very important quote by one of the founding fathers of this country. He said "Thomas Jefferson penned that dream in the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." He believes that if we use our God Given potential we can be successful and live out our American Dream Just like him. This also connects to what I believe in and I believe that everyone has a dream in order to make that dream come true you must stay true to yourself and keep God First

    Marquis Johnson-Period 7

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  18. Death Of a Salesman Louis Stewart

    The definition of a “Tragic Hero” is “a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for a downfall, suffering, or defeat”. The main character of “Death Of a Salesman” by Arthur miller, Willy Loman, would seem to be appropriate for this title of “Tragic Hero”. Willy Loman was “destined for a downfall” from the beginning of the play, his personality being the most prominent aspect of his character to be destined for a downfall. Willy Loman was a man who was extremely stubborn about his beliefs, not until the end of the play shortly before his suicide does he admit to his beliefs being incorrect and counter-productive. From this perspective Willy Loman seems to be a perfect match, but the moment you try to disprove this you find a major flaw in Willy Loman as a tragic hero. Willy lacks the qualities which make someone a “hero”, there is nothing great or virtuous about Willy Loman, he deserves only the title “Tragic”. Willy was condemned purely by his own ignorance and stubbornness with no sense of true justice to be seen. Because of this Willy is not, nor will he ever be a true tragic hero.

  19. Willy Loman is responsible for misleading his two sons, Biff and Happy, into a false sense of pride purely for their physical abilities. “Bernard can get the best marks in school, y’understand, but when he gets out into the business world, y’understand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. That’s why I thank almighty god you’re both built like Adonises. Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. You take me, for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a buyer, ‘Willy Loman is here!’, that’s all they have to know and I go right through”. At the same time Willy says this he is suffering from a lack of money, he directly lies to both his sons giving them a false sense of security for their futures and ensuring their belief in what he says by making himself an example even though it’s a lie.

  20. Willy doesn’t just lie to his children, he lies to himself, “Oh, I’ll knock them dead next week. I’ll go to Hartford. I’m very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is, Linda, people don’t seem to take to me.”, Willy contradicts himself within only two sentences. He is caught trying to convince himself that he is successful in Hartford while at the same time knowing full well that he is not successful and that he most likely wont be in Hartford either. He never once acknowledges his problem for what it is in a way that can benefit him, “Business is bad, it’s murderous. But not for me, of course.”, His false pride in himself helps to be become his own undoing and his own obstacle. If Willy had admitted his problem early he could have pulled his life around and become a truly successful person but instead he became his own downfall.

  21. Willy also is unheroic in the way he raised his children, he undermines the morals that any normal person should have. When Biff steals a football from the school rather than teaching his son the morally correct thing to do by scolding him, Willy instead states that the coach will probably congratulate him for his initiative and lets Biff end the conversation feeling that rather than doing something wrong by stealing, he had done something right by showing his commitment. Willy made sure of the fact that his children would take things for granted and that they needed little reason to do whatever they desired whether it was good or bad as long as they could justify it in a roundabout way.

  22. Willy Loman lived a life as a father that should be looked down upon, a life with morals which should be looked down upon, and a life with business beliefs which should be looked down upon. His sons cursed with a father who led them astray from a path of success, and his wife cursed with a husband who was unable to learn from his mistakes and create a better life for both of them. For these reasons Willy Loman should never be looked on in any view which characterizes him as any kind of “hero”, making it painfully obvious that he could never be considered a tragic hero.
